Divisional Leadership Teams
The Division of Student Affairs' leadership teams help streamline communication, collaboration, and efficient processes through the inclusion of divisional leaders across various departments.
Senior Leadership Team
The Senior Leadership Team serves as the division's immediate leadership team and consultative body, focusing on high-level policy and operational decisions for the division. The Senior Leadership Team consists of the following:

Salvador B. Mena
Senior Vice Chancellor for the Student Experience

Anne Newman

Noa'a Shimoni
Associate Vice Chancellor/Associate Vice President for Student Health and Wellness

Marilyn Chickey
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration

Francesca Maresca

Chris Carey
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement and Belonging

Dayna Weintraub
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Assessment, Strategy, and Planning
Administrative Leadership Team
The Administrative Leadership Team consists of the leads of the division's largest units and those who oversee administrative functions that cut across the division. This arrangement provides consistent flow of information between the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor and those with the widest reach across the division. In addition to the Senior Leadership Team, the Administrative Leadership Team consists of the following:

Andrew Cousins
Director, Budgeting and Accounting

Jennifer Jones-Damis

Ji Lee
Director, Asian American Cultural Center

Jessica Ortiz

Joseph Rudawski
Director, Student Affairs Technology

Lynda Costello
Director, Student Affairs Human Resources

Michael Abdallah

Michael Tolbert

Neela Patel

Nick Emanuel

Rodo Leone
Unit Leads Team
The Unit Leads Team is comprised of department and unit managers and is an intentional space for networking, sharing information to facilitate collaboration, and serves as a critical sounding board to senior leadership. In addition to the Senior Leadership Team and Administrative Leadership team, the Unit Leads Team consists of the following:

Amy Miele

Cara White
Director of Campus Program, Student Centers and Activities

Carlos Fernandez

Charisse Gutierrez

Ghada Endick

Jakora Thompson

Jeffrey Broggi

JoAnn Arnholt

Karima Woodyard

Kerri Willson

Keywuan Caulk

Laura Randolph

Michelle Jefferson

Nathan Johnson
Director for Residence Education, Residence Life

Rebecca Vazquez