Everyone knows that college is expensive. From tuition to textbooks to nights out with friends, costs add up. Many students turn to a part-time job to supplement their income. One of the most convenient opportunities for students is working right here on the Rutgers campus! There are loads of jobs available to students, from working in the dining hall to clerical services. There’s something for everyone, and the benefits are numerous. If you’re looking for a job, look no further than right here on campus!
This is a big one, as many students have classes at random times in the day, whether 8 a.m. or 10 p.m. Students are busy managing their social life, classes, and extracurriculars that off-campus jobs may not be able to accommodate. At Rutgers, supervisors work to make students comfortable and accommodate them when it comes to scheduling their hours.
Out of Job Skills
Many of the on-campus jobs offered at Rutgers will translate into future roles in varying aspects. Not only that, but these jobs are accessible ways to get real experience to build up your resume for future endeavors. Each department allows students to develop skills and grow in their position. Skills like customer service, food preparation and delivery, organizational skills, and more will make you a more competitive candidate for future career opportunities. These jobs will also give you the chance to meet people who can give you future letters of recommendation for the next steps in your career.
On campus, going to work is as simple as taking a 5-minute walk over to your assigned building or taking a quick bus ride, just like you would to attend class. You don’t need to worry about transportation to get off-campus like you would with another job, making an on-campus job extremely accessible. With numerous bus stops around campus, it's easy and convenient to navigate to and from your on-campus job.
Friends Among Coworkers
Having your coworkers become friends always makes the day go by faster, but what about having friends AS your coworkers? Working with peers your own age with whom you already share a lot in common makes having an on-campus job even more fun! Additionally, it gives you the opportunity to meet new students that can easily become your friends outside of the job, too. It's just another opportunity to get to know students you might not otherwise have the chance to. The social aspect of an on-campus job can be very beneficial in a large university like Rutgers!
There are so many reasons why working at Rutgers during undergrad would be a gratifying and beneficial experience. Plus, there are always new jobs hiring! Check out Rutgers Handshake for student jobs open to all undergraduates, regardless of whether you qualify for the federal work study program, as well as departmental websites like Recreation, Dining, and Student Centers and Activities, among others.