Dean of Students Provides Crucial Student Support
While the Division of Student Affairs offers students opportunities to connect, grow, and learn throughout their time at Rutgers, it also provides them with the support they need during periods of crisis. The Dean of Students Office is one such office dedicated to supplying that necessary support.
“Essentially, the Dean of Students is a non-academic advising resource,” said Jeffrey Broggi, senior associate dean of students. “We use a wide range of tactics to help and support students, from connecting them to community resources to providing emergency assistance through our office.”

The Dean of Students interacts with over 7,000 students each academic year. Despite the high volume of cases, staff work with students on an individual basis, shifting their approaches to meet the needs of each student. When discussing the approaches used to solve student issues, staff emphasize the need to use holistic models of health, wellness, and support.
“Students have multiple identities, and we often have to support them in multiple ways,” said Halston Fleming, assistant dean of students for case management. “For example, a student could be dealing with medical, psychological, personal, and social problems, all at the same time, and solving one of their issues will not make all of their other problems go away.”
In its work, the Dean of Students relies on collaboration with other elements of Student Affairs to connect students with resources and provide them with necessary services.
“We have connections with almost every single outside office within Student Affairs or outside of Student Affairs,” said Broggi. “That’s how we get students the resources that they need to be successful or the answers that they need to make a well-informed decision about their next steps.”
In some cases, the Dean of Students even supports other areas of Student Affairs that are working to address student needs.
“We’re a resource for all the students in residential housing, and we work with the Dean of Students like any other area of Student Affairs,” said Michael Tolbert, senior director of Residence Life.
“For example, we can’t write a letter excusing a student from class, but we can provide the context to the Dean of Students, who can.”
On top of its regular work, the Dean of Students also mobilizes to support students affected by current events, most recently in the Texas cold snap in February 2021 and the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe.
During the cold snap, the Dean of Students called Rutgers students in Texas to check in and offer resources. In the spring 2022 semester, the Dean of Students opened support and processing spaces for students to discuss and work through the effects that the conflict has had upon them.
“When we respond to major events, we’re letting students know that we care about them and know that what’s going on right now has impacted them as a student,” said Anne Newman, the associate vice chancellor and dean of students.
“We're offering them any help that they need right now, but we’re also letting them know that we’re a resource they can call upon in the future.”
The Dean of Students is located at 88 College Avenue, and is open 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Click here to share a concern about a student with the Dean of Students and click here if you are interested in donating to the Student Emergency Assistance Fund.
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About the Division of Student Affairs at Rutgers–New Brunswick
The Division of Student Affairs is committed to facilitating interactions that promote students' success and their personal and professional development. Learn more about our mission.