The counseling services staff includes psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, and substance abuse counselors, all with expertise in both general mental health concerns and issues unique to a college environment.

Explore campus services and involvement opportunities to make the most of your college experience.
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Rutgers provides student-centered services and involvement opportunities that empower you to advocate for your educational and developmental needs and make the most of your experience here. These resources are intended to make our ethic to care a reality and ensure students have access to support for everyday activities or in times of need. While some such as housing and dining require an additional fee, many are available at no extra cost to students.
These offices serve as a student support network that provides advocacy, problem resolution, and critical incident intervention for those times when additional assistance is needed.
Started in fall 2016, the Rutgers Student Food Pantry is of one of the over 20 food pantries in New Brunswick. It exclusively serves Rutgers students and is located at 39 Union Street on the College Avenue Campus.
Rutgers University Student Legal Services (RUSLS) provides eligible students with no-cost professional legal advice and assistance from attorneys licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey.

Committed to providing a high-quality, efficient food operation in a safe and congenial environment, dining services operates 29 cafes, restaurants, and dining halls spread across Rutgers–New Brunswick’s five campuses.

Rutgers–New Brunswick offers traditional residence halls and apartment-style living options for single graduate students. Graduate students living with their families are offered two-bedroom apartments.

A living-learning community is a self-selected group of students who share similar academic interests and explore them together in common courses and out-of-classroom activities. There are a multitude of living-learning community offerings for both new and current students. Special-interest/themed communities with no academic coursework are also available.

With more than 40 recognized student organizations dedicated to religious and religious-cultural interests and more than 25 recognized chaplaincies serving students’ spiritual needs, the Multifaith Council promotes an inclusive atmosphere for the pursuit of intellectual and spiritual truths.

Rutgers Off-Campus Living and Community Partnerships helps prepare students for life off-campus by assisting them with their housing search, including educational workshops focused on legal issues, safety, security, and respect.

This office helps parents and families understand the new challenges, expectations, and opportunities that their students may face at Rutgers University.

Residence Life serves the needs of over 16,000 residents who study, live, and play in the approximately 140 buildings across five campuses in New Brunswick and Piscataway.

Rutgers–New Brunswick operates six student centers focused on providing friendly, welcoming, inclusive environments, helpful services and resources, and diverse programs. They're an ideal place to host a meeting, connect with friends, enjoy a meal, watch TV, study, or relax.
Student Affairs hosts multiple conferences during the year, each providing a unique experience tailored to specific audiences. These conferences provide our students, staff, and guests opportunities to gain insights from industry experts, peers, and colleagues; share their own experiences with others; and challenge themselves to make an impact on-campus and beyond.

The Rutgers Excellence in Student Affairs Conference is a regional conference held annually at Rutgers–New Brunswick. The conference aims to engage student affairs professionals, graduate students, and undergrads interested in the field in meaningful conversations, as well as spur innovative ideas on how we can improve our practice now and in the future.

The Mark Leadership Conference strives to inspire action among students and encourage them to think critically about the “mark” they will leave on the world around them. This experience showcases diverse speakers that have made a positive impact on society and inspires attendees to do the same.

The S.T.E.A.M. Women's Empowerment Conference serves as an impactful and motivational forum where women are inspired to take personal responsibility in owning and embracing their story and identity. With the goal of uniting, educating, and inspiring women to discover their passion and purpose, the S.T.E.A.M. Conference creates an atmosphere where women from all walks of life can empower each other to achieve new levels of success.
Founded in 1999, the AACC showcases the contributions of Asians and Asian Americans through a wide array of cultural presentations, exhibits, performances, demonstrations, lectures, seminars, and meetings.
The CLAC is dedicated to building a creative space where the Rutgers community can discover and critically explore what it means to be Latinx in the United States, while providing programs and services that use arts and culture as the impetus for educational change.
SJE promotes a supportive environment for students of all backgrounds, with a focus on gender and sexuality, while promoting both social and educational opportunities for leadership, identity, and social justice advocacy development.
Founded in 1969, the PRCC is dedicated to serving the Rutgers University community by offering a wealth of programs, initiatives, and services that reflect the rich history, heritage, and diversity of the African diaspora.
The PRCC, CLAC, SJE, and AACC come together to form the Cultural Center Collaborative, which is committed to supporting the needs of Rutgers’ campus communities by creating a welcoming and holistic learning environment for everyone, inclusive of all identities and allies.
ADAP provides counseling and information for students who are concerned about their drinking or use of other drugs, or those of a friend or family member.
CAPS staff includes psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, and substance abuse counselors, all with expertise in both general mental health concerns and issues unique to a college environment.
The team educates the college population about nutrition and provides useful tools to help adopt healthy eating habits while dining on campus.
Rutgers hosts over 50 intramural sports leagues throughout the year. Various levels of competition are offered in both team and individual/dual activities, with opportunities for men’s, women’s, or co-recreational play.
Explore over 120 cutting-edge fitness and wellness classes each week, taught by certified instructors on all five campuses.
Recreation provides programs and facilities to meet the physical, social, recreational, and educational needs of the campus community.
The Office of Disability Services provides the necessary tools and support for individuals with disabilities to become responsible decision-makers and self-advocates in charge of their own future.
Student Health provides comprehensive clinical care including medical, pharmacy, and mental health counseling services and is committed to educating the Rutgers community through health promotion, collaborative partnerships, and academic opportunities.
VPVA provides services designed to raise awareness of and respond to the impact of interpersonal violence and other crimes.
Health Outreach, Promotion & Education (HOPE) works to advance health and wellness at Rutgers University through community engagement and innovation.
ScarletWell is a holistic wellness initiative dedicated to bolstering the health and wellness of the Rutgers–New Brunswick community of 72,000+ students, faculty, and staff through programs, resources, and initiatives using the 8 Dimensions of Wellness model. Get Connected. Build Community. Stay Well.

Sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs, the Knights’ Watch Campus Safety Campaign was created to bring awareness to both residential and off-campus students by encouraging them—as well as staff and faculty—to think more about their personal safety and inspire them to take care of each other.

The internationally accredited RUPD operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to provide the university community with a full range of police and security services.

RUPD also provides escorts to students, faculty, and staff upon request.

Students are advised to provide timely notification to instructors about necessary absences for religious observances and are responsible for making up the work or exams according to an agreed-upon schedule.

This site provides a searchable directory of campuswide programs, services, and resources to support students during their time at Rutgers–New Brunswick.

Career services provides career-related counseling, resources, and programs to help individuals clarify academic and career goals, establish career plans, develop job-search skills, and make successful career transitions.

These office serves as a student support network that provides advocacy, problem resolution, and critical incident intervention for those times when additional assistance is needed.

Rutgers University does not restrict the activities of recognized university organizations, including the speakers they invite to campus, provided organizations obey the law and follow university policy and guidelines regarding such events.

The Office of Graduate Student Life at Rutgers–New Brunswick advocates and supports holistic services that promote a rewarding experience here.

Recognizing that students may have questions following announcements regarding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the Dean of Students Office maintains a website designed to share resources and information to help undocumented students make the most of their experience at Rutgers–New Brunswick.

In light of specific challenges facing international students as they pursue their education, the Dean of Students Office maintains a website to share resources and information with students in need of additional assistance.

The Knight’s Call is a code outlining the values and expectations for all members of the Rutgers community. As Scarlet Knights, this code guides us each day and remains with us always.

NRHH is an on-campus honor society dedicated to recognizing those individuals and entities who work to improve the residence halls, campus, and community.

The largest on-campus organization at Rutgers, RHA enhances and improves the residential experience for all residential students through intentional programming and feedback-based advocacy initiatives.

RUSA serves as the voice of the Rutgers student body by advocating on behalf of student concerns regarding official policies and priorities, providing a forum for students to express their ideas, and allocating student fee funding to over 400 student organizations on campus.

Started in fall 2016, the Rutgers Student Food Pantry is of one of the over 20 food pantries in New Brunswick. It exclusively serves Rutgers students and is located at 39 Union Street on the College Avenue Campus.

Rutgers University Student Legal Services (RUSLS) provides eligible students with no-cost professional legal advice and assistance from attorneys licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey.
Campus Labs’ getINVOLVED platform allows students to find organizations, discover events happening on campus, and track/record their activities and memberships to showcase their endeavors.
Rutgers–New Brunswick officially recognizes over 80 fraternities and sororities ranging from the "traditional" to historically African American, Latinx, Multicultural, and Asian-interest.
RCSA is an inclusive volunteer student organization whose primary role is to serve commuter students’ needs and interests while building a community on campus.
RUDM is the largest student-run philanthropic event in New Jersey. RUDM’s mission is to provide emotional and financial support for children who are a part of Embrace Kids Foundation.
RUPA is the universitywide student council that serves the entire Rutgers community, providing concerts and comedy shows featuring internationally known artists, the Annual Homecoming Charity Bed Races, entertaining lectures and performances, art projects, and more.
SCREAM Theater and SCREAM Athletes are peer educational, interactive theater programs that provide information about interpersonal violence including sexual assault, dating violence, same-sex violence, stalking, bullying, and peer harassment.
Rutgers sports clubs are student-run organizations that may be instructional and/or competitive in nature, with the competitive clubs pitted against other schools and leagues around the country.