Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership (MSL)
The MSL is a national survey instrument that examines the impact of college involvement on student leadership development. Rutgers University–New Brunswick was one of 73 colleges and universities to administer the MSL in 2021 with participation from 673 of our undergraduate students. The survey asked students about their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The information below is provided to communicate the survey findings and connect you with the appropriate resources to ensure all students feel the support necessary to navigate the college experience.
Success Essentials

63% expressed concerns related to one's ability to pay for one's education in the future
46% expressed concerns related to one's ability to met financial obligations
21% expressed concerns to having sufficient access to food
81% experienced loss or reduction of insurance coverage
13% experiences loss or reduction of scholarship or grant aid
Academic Support Services

93% primary class instruction was completely online in Spring 2021
70% had difficulty learning effectively online
67% lacked access to appropriate study space
23% lacked access to technology
Involvement and Community

81% lacked interaction/communication with other students
79% expressed an inability to participate in on-campus activities
Experiential Learning and Career Preparation

23% experienced a loss or cancellation of an expected internship or co-op
68% expressed concerns with sustainable employment
37% experienced loss of wages from employment
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