Research and Assessment Workflow

Whether you are new to assessment or very adept with the process, the visual flowchart below walks you through important decisions to make when conducting an assessment and the steps to follow.
When you are ready to begin your assessment, please complete the Assessment Plan Form as best you can. A member of the Student Affairs Assessment Working Group will review the form and be in touch to support your data collection needs.
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact Student Affairs Research and Assessment with questions or for assistance by completing our consultation form.
Defining Assessment Purpose
Have you identified your Operational of Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Questions?
No: Review the "Operational and Student Learning Outcomes Guide" or Request a Consultation.
Yes: Go to "Select Method of Assessment" section below.
Select Method of Assessment
Does data already exist that could answer your assessment?
Yes: Please review the "Data Audit" and complete a Data Request Form
I'm still unsure: Request a Consultation
No: What is your method of Assessment?
- Something else:
Would you like Research and Assessment’s help with your assessment?
• No: We encourage you to use our Assessment Planning Form. You can also contact us with any questions that may arise. Submit your project to CampusLabs. Go to Next Steps.
• Yes: Submit an Assessment Plan Form and wait for a response from Research and Assessment with instructions for your next step. - Baseline survey or rubric:
Do you have a CampusLabs Baseline user ID?
• No: Request access
• Yes: Go to section below
Will you be using a Baseline survey or rubric?
- Build your rubric at
- We encourage you to use our Assessment Planning Form. You can also contact us with any questions that may arise.
- Submit your project to CampusLabs.
- Go to Next Steps.
SURVEY: Is this a new project or a copy of a previously used Baseline project?
1. Copy of previous baseline project
- Has the purpose, context, or scope of the project changed?
- Yes
- Are you evaluating an event OR measuring operational or student learning outcomes?
- Evaluation:
• Submit your program evaluation directly to CampusLabs
• Review the Program Evaluation Resource Guide and Examples, and consult with the Assessment Committee as needed.
• Go to Next Steps - Student learning program or outcome(s):
• Complete an Assessment Plan Form
• Wait 3–5 business days for us to review your request
• Receive confirmation from Research and Assessment to proceed
• Do you have access to the contact information for your sample?
- No: Request a Consultation
- Yes: Submit your project to CampusLabs. Go to Next Steps - I'm not sure: Request a Consultation
- No: Contact us to let us know you are resubmitting a project request
- Evaluation:
2. New baseline project
- Are you evaluating an event OR measuring operational or student learning outcomes?
- Evaluation:
• Submit your program evaluation directly to CampusLabs
• Please review the Program Evaluation Resource Guide and Examples, and consult with the Assessment Committee as needed.
• Go to Next Steps - Student learning program or outcome(s):
• Complete an Assessment Plan Form
• Wait 3–5 business days for us to review your request
• Receive confirmation from Research and Assessment to proceed
• Do you have access to the contact information for your sample?
- No: Request a Consultation
- Yes: Submit your project to CampusLabs. Go to Next Steps
- Evaluation:
Next Steps
- Wait 4–5 business days for CampusLabs to process your request
- CampusLabs will communicate with you as needed while they prepare and build your project
- You will receive an email link from CampusLabs to PREVIEW your project
- Proofread the preview carefully and communicate with CampusLabs to make any necessary modifications to your project
- The survey is administered when you send the “Final Survey Project Link” to your participants
- Congratulations! The assessment cycle doesn’t end here. Please read our resources on interpreting your findings, closing the loop, and beyond.